Recent News

Rotary Community Garden Rental Beds
POSTED: March 18/25

REAPS presents Garden Planning 101 March 20th
POSTED: March 4/25

The Prince George Seed Library opens at the Prince George Public Library March 8 & 15
POSTED: March 1/25


Benefits of Membership

  • Garden visits
  • Networking with experienced and knowledgeable Prince George gardeners
  • Quarterly newsletter
  • Merchant Discounts
  • Seed exchange
  • Participation in a project of international status to help develop a world class botanical garden in Prince George


Donate to DDBGS Society General Fund.

A tax deductible receipt for any donation over $20.00 will be mailed to you.


The DDBGS Board is excited about the progress that has been achieved in the Phase 2a Garden Expansion Project. Now, the Society needs your show of support for the Garden Expansion to continue to make it a reality.


The mission of the David Douglas Botanical Garden Society is to: establish and maintain an aesthetically pleasing botanical garden in partnership with the University of Northern British Columbia; provide horticultural and arboricultural education for the public; advance horticultural and arboricultural knowledge; and, promote the use of plant material that is viable in northern British Columbia. 

Donate to DDBGS Future Expansion.

A tax deductible receipt for any donation over $20.00 will be mailed to you.