Gardening Information
Here are some great gardening links:
Lots of gardening advice is available on the Internet. However, sorting out the information that is applicable to our climate, soils and latitude can be difficult.
Natural Resources Canada released new versions of the national and regional plant hardiness maps in 2014.
- National Map
- British Columbia
- Central & Southern British Columbia
- Background information and additional tools
For specific information of tree planting techniques, information is available through the International Society of Arboriculture (ISA) at
The I Can Garden website is run by a master gardener in St. Albert, near Edmonton. Thousands of Canadian gardeners consult this site and share their knowledge.
Gardenline from the University of Saskatchewan provides information for gardeners in cold climates.
The UBC Botanical Garden and Centre for Plant Research has garden forums:
A useful US site is High Country Gardens, located in Santa Fe, New Mexico. The site is dedicated to natural gardening with drought tolerant plants. Gardeners in central BC will pick up many useful tips on xeriscaping and plant selection that they can apply locally.
British Columbia Council of Garden Club
Seeds and Gardening Information
Looking for seeds and not sure where to order them, or looking for something special check out Canadian Seed Catalogue Index at They have well over a hundred Canadian seed companies listed.
Seed companies offer you more than seeds. They can also be an excellent source of gardening information as they want you to succeed in growing their seeds. Here are just a few:
• West Coast Seeds: offers Regional Planting Charts and Crop Planning Tool.
• W. H. Perron: tips and tricks; growing plants from seeds; herbs and vegetables: Companion and enemy plants; Sowing guide of annuals flowers; Sowing guide of biennials and perennials flowers and Growing small fruits. Marie - Victorin seeds - Our natural heritage for your garden - Sowing guide.
• Veseys: offers Gardening 101 with topics Growing Guide, How to Grow, Hardiness Zones & Frost Dates, Protecting Your Garden, Gardening Terms & Definitions, and Videos.