Phase 2 Expansion Project Update
Dear Members:
The DDBGS Board is excited about the progress that has been achieved in the planning of the Botanical Garden Phase 2 Expansion Project. The Society needs your show of support for the Garden Expansion to make it a reality.
Our current fund-raising projects, such as the Plant Sales, fund the Society’s regular activities and our work on the Educational Display Garden (EDG) at UNBC. Thus, we need to continue fundraising efforts to support the Botanical Garden. A group has been working on grant applications, but with COVID it may take some time before money will come in from those sources.
The Project Committee has been working on plans for landscaping and the Visitor’s Centre in partnership with UNBC. To accomplish this, it is necessary that we have funds to help pay for initial costs and shows membership support when we apply for grants and to major donors.
Many of our members regularly donate to the Society, to date our members have contributed $21,750.00 to this fund. A list of Donors is available at Donors - Phase 2 Expansion
If you wish to contribute, any amount is appreciated. All donations of $20.00 and over will receive a tax receipt.
Please send cheques payable to the David Douglas Botanical Garden Society and mailed to PO Box 1305 Prince George, BC V2L 4V3 or donate online by clicking on the Donate button located below this message.
This is a very exciting time for our Society, and we wish to thank you for your support of the Phase 2 Expansion of the Botanical Garden.
Please contact me at if you have any questions.
Linda Naess
President, David Douglas Botanical Garden Society
December 30, 2021
Donate to DDBGS Future Expansion.
A tax deductible receipt for any donation over $20.00 will be mailed to you.

The garden society is presently embarking on an ambitious project in conjunction with the University of Northern British Columbia; the development of a premium botanical garden on a +11 hectares site at the entrance to the university. This Sub-Boreal Forest garden will be a showcase for the garden society, the University and the people of the surrounding region. It will provide opportunities for educational, recreational, photographic, research and cultural activities as well as a venue for special celebrations such as weddings.
This garden will include:
- a visitor's centre which will include a classroom, gift shop, botanical library and reception hall for special events,
- various themed ornamental display gardens,
- a First Nations garden developed in conjunction with the local First Nations,
- a feature walkway with overhead arbours and trellises,
- a wetland area with viewing platforms
- an extensive research garden for UNBC staff and students.
It is the intent of the society to develop this garden over a period of years, into a major attraction for our university, our city and our region.
The David Douglas Botanical Garden Society (DDBGS) is funded through the generous support of members, donors, and fundraising activities. Donations are greatly appreciated and are tax-deductible.
Levels of Recognition for Minimum Donation Level
- $100 Name in public donation book on display on-site and in annual advertising list in 'Citizen' and DDBGS website.
- $250 As above PLUS: recognition in DDBGS quarterly publication, 'Northern Optimist”.
- $500 All of the above PLUS: Family Membership *Corporate Donors will also receive company logo recognition on DDBGS website.
- $1,000 – $99,999 All of the above PLUS: Donors name on Donor Recognition Signage within garden *Corporate donors: will also receive Corporate Membership and have a link to their company's website posted on DDBGS website AND recognition at the Society's Phase 2 Expansion public events.
- $100,000+ All of the above PLUS: Dedication of capital structures or specially selected project and will follow UNBC Naming Policy. Structures will be chosen from the Priorities Plan by the donor in consultation with the Society Board.
Donations to the David Douglas Botanical Garden Society are allowed for income tax purposes. BUSINESS NUMBER 88916 1576 RR0001
For information on all registered charities in Canada under the Income Tax Act please visit: Canada Revenue Agency
If you would like more information please contact:
Claudia Barreira
Donate to DDBGS Future Expansion.
A tax deductible receipt for any donation over $20.00 will be mailed to you.